Week of baking
Yes, indeed. My boyfriends birthday is on saturday so there will be people coming over so i will do my famous, or infamous, vanilla and cinnamon buns. I will also make some other pasteries, including the birthday cakes. I will try to bake everything on tuesday but who nows if i will be finished on one day. Asn i always i will make enough to save for later so i will probably be in the citchen all day long. Lucky i like baking.
Boyfriend gone working so this week i am home alone. Dont know what to thionk about that. We have had room mates the last 1,5 years so this will be the first long week alone. I will manage that too.
And also for everyine who reads this, you dont have to comment in english, fell free to use swedish or english or any other language. Me writing in english is only for my one training.
Well thats it for today. Sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite
2008-08-17 @ 23:30:59
Postat av: Andie
Well writing i english is good practice so you dont sound and spell like a turist i think.
I hope the baking will go as pland and everyone will be happy with the buns and cookies that you´re making.
13:43:19 den 2008-08-18
Postat av: Wicke
Baka inte ihjäl dej, bara! Det brukar bli så hemskt många bullar när du sätter igång. Just nu har jag Litens båda syskon som leker runt mej och tangentbordet! Dom är inte kloka, nån av dom. Vi ses på söndag. Kram
17:51:57 den 2008-08-21
Postat av: Nettan
Hej gumman! Ja nej det var comhem som gjort fel från början, fast jag tycker det var bra av dom att fixa det åt mig utan tjat :D Ha en bra dag imorrn och gratta gubben din! Kram
17:35:33 den 2008-08-22