
It´s flabbergasting!

Wel that´s my favourite word for now. Its just a silly expression but it sounds funny and silly, hihi. Just like i feel.
There´s to much going on in my life at the moment so i will not write about here, if i would i would be sitting here for hours.

So what do everyone think of the OS. i think its to much. The only thing people talks about is just that. I dont get it. The ones who gets the gold is talk about on the news and thats all that matters, or is it? Is it really the winners who should get all the attention. No, says i. It is a big achivment to have come to the OS, but do they have to replace every other tv:show with it. There is a lot of chanals that only show sports, keep it there. Stop messing with my tv:shows.

Just a short one today, hope everyone is happy and alive, bye bye

2008-08-16 @ 23:46:43

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